Artist's Lives
We saw the documentary about Alice Neel last night, made by her grandson, Andrew Neel. it was so moving, as Neel was part of a generation of women that had few role models for making the choice to be an artist first. Born in 1900 and raised working class, she put herself through art school in Philadelphia. Always dedicated to her art, her life was an odyssey through husbands and children, lovers and sitters. She had her first two children with Carlos Enriquez, a Cuban painter from a wealthy family.

The first died of diptheria, and the second, a daughter named Isabetta (born 1928), she lost when Enriquez returned to Cuba (they were living in Philadelphia) with the daughter. Neel became suicidal, spent time in an asylum, and when better moved to New York. It is incredible how poor Neel was through much of her life.

Then she became involved with Jose Santiago, a Puerto Rican night club singer, and had her first son, Richard. They moved uptown, to Spanish Harlem, which she said was the "kiss of death" for her career. Even though she wasn't selling her work at all when she lived in the Village, she was in the heart of the creative community there. She separated from Jose, and a few years later, had her second son, Hartley, with her then-lover Sam Brody.

The most amazing part of the film was watching Neel paint, which occupies much of the footage. She

The film is so powerful, it made me and others in the room cry--we were so overcome with emotion because she was so well intentioned, so challenged by the circumstances of her life (female, mostly single, raising two children); dedicated to her work as a painter; and so talented. It was tremendously moving that she did get recognition in her lifetime--a solo show at the Whitney Museum of American Art, and receiving an award from the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters in New York. These awards and recognition were late in life, and through it all, she just kept painting.

Some of those who spoke of her remarkable influence in the film include Robert Storr, Chuck Close, and Marlene Dumas, all of whom talk about her power in capturing character. As Neel said, "I want to capture the zeitgeist," and I believe in many ways she did capture the vulnerability and humanity of her time in powerful ways.
If you are surprised by my passion for this painter, take a look at the film. I'd love to hear your thoughts about it. Here's the link for it: http://www.aliceneelfilm.com/.

Here's an interview with her grandson, Andrew Neel, about the film:
Andrew Neel goes behind his grandmother's expressionistic paintings to reveal an intimate side of the legendary portraitist
• The paintings of Alice Neel stare you down. Neel’s subject is intimacy, and her cool portraits of friends and family,
CHRISTOPHER BOLLEN Were you aware as a child that your grandmother was a famous artist?
ANDREW NEEL Not really. I knew there was something important about what she was doing, but one doesn't really grasp the concept of 'famous' at that age.
CB In the film,
AN Well, I think my parents are eccentrics. They are bohemians in their own way...and I think my sister and I inherited some of their eccentricities. But really the answer to your questions is yes. Hartley and his brother [
CB Did you find it difficult to interview your own family? Did they try to prevent certain topics being raised?
AN I think it was as hard as any other interview where you are asking intimate questions. Hartley and Richard don’t like subjects that put
CB What did you discover about your grandmother that you didn't know before you started?
AN She had a still-born child in 1939 with Jose (that detail didn't make it into the movie). I can't say I had any sort of dramatic discovery, but my whole conception of her became much more dense and complete.
CB One of the themes of the documentary is that of motherhood—specifically, was Alice Neel a good mother? Did she protect her children, even from her art? What were your conclusions on this?
AN I don’t like making conclusions about people. I think it’s a limited way of looking, especially at enigmatic people like
CB What do you think is harder—to be a painter in Alice Neel’s day or a documentary filmmaker in Andrew Neel’s day?
AN Being a painter in Alice Neel's day was harder, without a doubt. We have so many places we can show our films today. That doesn't make it peachy. Sometimes it makes it more annoying...but easier too.
CB What is your favorite painting by your grandmother?
AN Joe Gould 1933 (because it freaks people out); Julie and Alges (because it's hot and twisted in some sort of weird, pregnant way); Randal in Extremes (because it's a testament to how hard and anxious it is to be a human being).
Images, in order:
Spanish Harlem
Alice with Enrique, Chester Springs, 1924
Isabetta, 1934
Composite image w/Alice in Studio
Hartley, 1965
Alice with Model
Two Girls, 1959
Andy Warhol, 1970
Alice at opening of her retrospective,
Whitney Museum of American Art, 1980
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